Friday, March 7, 2008

How 'bout them apples?

I did not realize how much Apple wants to get into the corporate space.  I wonder if this is the beginning of the end when Apple starts to go more "main-stream" and attempt to offer its iPhone products to companies.  As someone in corporate America very much wanting my company to leverage iPhones for our hand held devices, I can say that it is personally exciting.  For Apple to publicly declare war on "Research in Motion" which is behind Blackberries seems to feel outside it brand.  I can understand why it wants to get into this space, and the iPhone seems like a logical way to get into the space given its success in the mobile devices.   The company seems to be aware that it can get inside "Corporate America" through the mobile device space, but will customers accept it, especially those very loyal customers which use Apple products for creative purposes?  Bank of America recently developed a link to its mobile banking platform by developing in its new platform.  Could this be a first step into Apple committing to enterprise customers?  How will this dilute its focus on its core customers?  Will the core customer feel alienated when the "not-cool" people start using their corporate iPhone in a Dunkin Donuts?  Is this stretching its brand to far?  We will see, for now I can say that the strategy is exciting and I cannot wait to turn in my BlackBerry for an iPhone.   Here's to Apple for having a vision.  I am reminded of a quote from Sir. Winston Churchill, "this is not the end.  It is not even the beginning of the end.  But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."