Sunday, February 17, 2008

welcome to my first blog, ever, it is more of an introduction than a blog.  But nevertheless, I want to give you an indication of the topics you may or may not see on my blog.  I love to think about social networking, philosophy, cosmology, and random things like human idiosyncratic behavior.  I have an unhealthy passion for discussing religion, and the issues of free will and duality.  It is unhealthy because the topic seems to weave itself into almost any good conversation I have.

I invite you to read, and participate on my blog.

1 comment:

Mark Freedman said...

welcome to the blogosphere, let's see how long you can keep it up.

words of unsolicited advice:

some of the best posts are train-of-thought posts, when you start off in no particular direction. its better to write something than nothing at all.

I might suggest messing with the 'comments' settings to allow non-blogspot members to comment as well as removing the word verification. but to each his own.

also, experiment with -- it's fun to see who has been visiting and how they arrived etc.
